World's biggest snake threatened by backpackers. Anacondas, which are native only to the Amazon basin, are in increasing danger not just from loss of habitat due to deforestation but also by invasion of gap year travellers and other hardy tourists. Biologists say the entire population of anacondas in one of the jewels of the Amazon basin will be wiped out within three years because of the deadly effect on the snakes of the insect repellant used by most backpackers to help protect against malaria. According to local eco-guides, sightings of these snakes are becoming increasingly hard and as many as 30 of these reptiles are being found dead every year.
New Delhi: “ is realization of my dream about a platform for the voice of Muslims which I saw in 1993 while making my presentation at the American Federation of Muslims of Indian Origin (AFMI) conference in US,” said K Rahman Khan, Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha.
Mr. Khan was speaking at the award presentation ceremony of TCN Person & Organization of the Year held at the India Islamic Cultural Center on Saturday, 4th December.
Afroz Alam Sahil getting the TCN person of the Year-2010 award by K Rahman Khan and Salman Khurshid, Kashif-Ul-Huda looks on, the US-based news website on Indian Muslims, presented TCN Person of the Year 2010 Award to the RTI activist Afroz Alam Sahil and TCN Organization of the Year 2010 Award to Bihar Anjuman, an online group of Bihari diaspora active in the field of education.
The awards were presented by the Deputy Chairman Rajya Sabha and the Union Minister for Minority Affairs.
Adding a series of compliments on the achievement of or in short TCN, Mr. K Rahman Khan said that the achievement of TCN in the short span of less than four years is “phenomenal.”
Shakeel Ahmad of Bihar Anjuman recieving the TCN Organization of the Year-2010 award by K Rahman Khan and Salman Khurshid
Terming TCN as a “media and platform for advocacy for the developmental works of Indian Muslims,” the chartered accountant turned politician expressed the need for more inspiring examples like TCN.
K. Rahman Khan, while lauding the untiring efforts of stressed emphatically the importance of technology and the need to adopt it by the Muslims Ummah to flourish and take its due place in society at large.
“Muslims will have to change their negative thinking into positive approach while adopting modern tools of technology so as to try and reach each and every member of the Ummah to move on the path of progress fast. We are not the only community in the plural society in the country and as other communities are moving fast the Muslims will have also to follow suite in order to maintain their identity and lead a life with dignity”, Khan opined.
He pointed out that Sachchar Committee has also squarely blamed the Muslim community itself for its pathetic plight due to its inaction and negative approach in life. He exhorted Muslims to close ranks and march forward to prosperity.
“We have resources. We should take the government as facilitator and not as provider. The living example is that of Lingayat community of Karnataka which has thrived in leaps and bounds”, he pointed out.
Mr. Khan also lauded the activism of Aforz Alam Sahil saying, “I am proud of Mr. Sahil who has presented the community with a brilliant example of using a government law like RTI as a tool instead of complaining about its failures.”
K Rahman Khan making a point during the TCN award presentation ceremony
Mr. Khan termed the awqaf properties as the “third biggest real estate” and highlighted the rampant corruption in this “industry.”
He didn’t hesitate in pointing out the failure of the community leadership in managing waqf properties and said that the community should be made aware about corruption in waqf.
The speakers on the occasion including Salman Khurshid talked about the absence of awareness among the Indian Muslim community towards its own problems and reasons for its backwardness. They highlighted an urgent need to create more and more awareness among the community about its socio-economic backwardness.
Salman Khurshid pointed out that “we need to work beyond the Sachar and Mishra Commission Reports because I am afraid the situation is worse than what these two reports have shown.”
Salman Khurshid called upon young Muslims, who have been successful entrepreneurs or are doing something constructive work for the community in any field of their activity, to be seen and noticed on the landscape of the Indian democracy. Their voices must be heard by the outside world and thus be counted in the scheme of things for the community. Ultimately the voice that will count when we exert our existence in society, he added.
He moaned that there are some weaknesses in the community itself due to which Muslims fail to prosper and lag behind. Muslims should coordinate and cooperate within the community itself and become a homogenous lot to project a united face before the world.
Khurshid, while applauding TCN for their efforts to empower the Muslim community through the internet medium, said Muslims should see beyond Jamia Millia Islamia and Aligarh Muslim University. The way the issue of the minority character of these two institutions have been put forward is not correct, he lamented. The Supreme Court is seized of the matter and he was very hopeful that the lacuna would be removed and these great institutions of learning would be granted their minority character, he explained.
He admitted that the government had been working for Muslims in the garb of minorities so as to avoid any negative attention. This has had its own pros and cons. But now the time has come to talk and debate issues concerning Muslims openly, he remarked.
Slaman Khurshid during the award presentation ceremony
Earlier, opening the program, Kashif-ul-Huda, Editor-in-Chief of TCN, talked about the idea behind TCN and its success story.
“ is a unique experiment in community media. Started in 2006, TCN is the only daily news website focusing on Indian Muslim issues,” said Mr. Huda.
He said that TCN has been a successful experiment in community media with a number of impact stories to its credit.
Kashif-ul-Huda making a presentation during the TCN award presentation ceremony
“It has broken new grounds in reporting on Indian Muslim issues thereby making the mainstream media take notice of the socio-economic problems of the community,” he added.
Mr. Huda who is a scientist by profession and calls TCN as his “passion” said: “One of the things which TCN has successfully managed to do, is to break the stereotypes which the mainstream media created about the Indian Muslims because it covers the community not only as a religious group but more importantly as a deprived and marginalized socio-economic group.”
The Editor-in-Chief of TCN also pointed out that there are areas which TCN needs to cover more, like women and Muslim Pasmanda (backward) groups.
Idea behind the award
As part of its community involvement, TCN has introduced an annual award that will be given to one person and one organization who are working for the benefit of the Indian Muslims. The awardees for 2010 were selected after a six-month long process where nomination was submitted by TCN readers and a short-list was opened for polling and final decision by TCN staff.
About TCN Person of the Year
Afroz Alam Sahil, a journalism graduate from Jamia Millia Islamia, is an RTI activist who with his activism has given hope to the Muslims youth that they can make government responsive to their needs and concerns.
He has filed thousands of RTI petitions seeking crucial information related to development of the society, issues relevant to the minority community and human and civil rights. Many of his RTI questions have hit the headlines of major newspapers and TV channels.
About TCN Organization of the Year
Bihar Anjuman is an online group of Biharis around the world that exchange ideas and pool their resources for the community benefit in Bihar and Jharkhand. They have successfully built a model of development that can be applied elsewhere and by other communities. The group has established a network of coaching centers in the two states for poor Muslim students.
Started as a mailing list in 1999 Anjuman has now over 8000 members in its group spanning the globe. Using modern communication tools, it has provided a valuable link back to the poor Muslims living in Bihar and Jharkhand to the Diaspora living outside the state and country. The mailing list has become a platform to identify needs and find resources & solutions.
The award distribution ceremony saw a cross-section of society coming together at one place. One of the participants told this correspondent that “more than 75% of the audience is between the age categories of 25-35, a group which is the future of the community and there lies the success of TCN as a community media initiative.”
During the symposium Muslims: Representation and Reportage, Shivam Vij of, talked in detail about how social media like face book, twitter and to a certain extent blogs like, emerged as an alternative media.
Saira Mujtaba from MCRC Jamia, making a point about the coverage of Muslim women
He also highlighted the prominent role played by alternative media in covering issues related to Muslims when the mainstream media completely ignores the community.
In an answer to a question on the biased reporting of Muslims, Mr. Vij suggested establishment of a website which should report every single instance of biased, wrong and distorted reporting by the mainstream media.
Osama Manzar, one of the speakers at the symposium talked about the democratic revolution which digital media can bring in the lives of millions of Indians living in rural areas.
The function was also attended by Irfan Azeez, a political activist from Hyderabad, Navaid Hamid, member, National Integration Council (NIC), Dr. Zafarul Islam Khan, editor, Milli Gazette prominent many others.
Probably, for the first time in the Indian History of newspapers and media, Samna, Marathi daily and mouth piece of Shiv sena, a Political party on decline, has published a cartoon of prophet Muhammad (SAW), in its Mumbai edition on Sunday.
Samna has published this formidable act in Islam on the Cultural page and quoted a hadith (Teachings of Prophet) whereby Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was directing a beggar to the market and asking him to do business instead of begging.
Most of the people see this blasphemous act as a desperate political stunt to impress upon voters by dividing them on communal ground during coming Mumbai Municipal election, which is one of the wealthiest Municipalities in the world.
M.B.Qasmi, Editor of Crescent, an English Magazine, said, “Muslims don’t believe in any sought of image of prophet, it’s heartening for us. Samna has done it wrongly and they should apologize for this.” He also reminded that Mr.Bal Thackrey himself is a Cartoonists and he must himself have refrain from this blasphemous act.
Patna: Muslims, the second majority community in Bihar, are facing same issues whether they live in Patna of 7.76% Muslim population or Purnia where they count for 36.76%. Like other people, their three major issues are BSP=bijli+sadak+pani. And on the very issues they will cast vote in this assembly elections.
Some other important issues they raised are reservation in job and legislatures and Muslim witch-hunting in the name of war on terror.
Though united on issues, the community is divided on which party they think will solve these problems. While some do not hide their liking for Congress some others have made up mind to vote for the ruling JD(U). Interestingly, even as RJD-LJP alliance of Lalu Yadav and Ram Vilas Paswan is being projected as main rival to the ruling JD(U)-BJP combine, just one of the people TCN talked to in Patna and Purnia mentioned the former, that too indirectly.
Note: The interviews were taken last month, much before the Ayodhya verdict – Editor.
Three major issues of Muslims
Md Aslam: Water and electricity are the most important issues in daily life. There are many other issues related to our life but unsolved, like unemployment of our children. They get education and remain jobless.
Md Shahabuddin: No specific issue. Yes, common issues which affect us also like others are garbage on road, shortage of electricity resulting in water crisis. Inflation is high, difficult for daily wagers to cope with. Rate of essentials is going up daily but not our wages. How can we educate our children when school fees are also high.
Abdul Majeed: Water, electricity and job. Though we are 16% we don’t have even 4% job.
Md Jahangeer: Inflation and no good source of income.
Md Inamul Haque: Inflation that is just going northward and killing of innocent Muslim youths in fake encounters in the name of terrorism. Sketches of Muslims with cap and beard are released soon after the blast and Muslims are arrested.
Bihar Assembly [TCN photo: By Mudassir Rizwan]
Tanveer Ahmad: No development work for Muslims has been done by government. Only promises were made. In election political parties use Muslims but do not do anything for their welfare.
Shams Qamar: The big problem for me is that Nitish Kumar did not keep his words with Madarsa teachers to solve their problems.
The best party in your view:
Md Aslam: Difficult to say, we will vote the party which will promise to solve our issues.
Md Shahabuddin: Better party is Congress at this time though inflation has gone up in this regime, yet it is better than other parties, because it is rather clean and takes care of all.
Abdul Majeed: There are so many parties in Bihar. Nitish has done a good job. On the basis of his work he may return to power. On the same basis I will vote him. Congress did not do development work like roads etc in 60 years, Nitish did it in 5 years.
Md Jahangeer: Congress now should come. We have tested all, there is no change, now want again Congress. We have seen it in Jagannath Mishras’ regime. Lalu destroyed Bihar. People had hope from Nitish but he did not stand up to the expectation.
Md Inamul Haque: CPI ML is the best party.
Tanveer Ahmad: We should change party in every election so that they can work for public.
Shams Qamar: The NDA is better alliance because some development works have been done by this government.
Are Muslims returning to Congress?
Md Aslam: There is mixed response to the party by Muslims. There is a slight rise in inclination to the party. Some people are thinking the party will make a good government.
Md Shahabuddin: Yes, I think Muslims have now more inclination towards Congress.
Abdul Majeed: No, Muslims are not going to Congress. We brought Congress to centre only to remove BJP, otherwise they would have been still waiting. The fight will be between Lalu and Nitishi. Wherever Lalu’s candidate loses people will vote Congress.
Md Jahangeer: Yes, a number of Muslims have now inclination towards Congress, because we faced lot of electricity problems during Ramazan.
Md Inamul Haque: Muslims are not returning to Congress, only rich and nobles are returning to it.
Tanveer Ahmad: Congress is the worst party. Shams Qamar: The party is trying to emerge once again and I hope it will come with better result this time. The hung Assembly is expected this time also.
(Interviews by Manzar Bilal and Mudassir Rizwan,
Patna: Sahulat Microfinance Society is seriously working on using microfinance as a tool to alleviate poverty. Launched earlier this year by the Delhi-based Human Welfare Foundation, the Society is building a network of microfinance system throughout the country.
Part of campaign to spread awareness about microfinance and to collect ideas on how it can be used as poverty alleviation tool, the Society held a daylong program at Bihar Chamber of Commerce here in Patna on September 27.
K.A. Siddique Hasan (2nd from left in front row) addressing the meet
K.A. Siddique Hasan, President, Sahulat Microfinance Society, introduced the Society to the audience. He said Sahulat is a national organization which is an important wing of Human Welfare Foundation, which is working on the program of Microfinance in all the corners of India. “This Programme’s chief motive is to link the tool of microfinance with the serious poverty alleviation efforts in India, and to consolidate and document the ideas related to spreading Microfinance in India,” said Hasan.
Noted scholars and professionals from financial, educational, social and banking fields were present at the meet. People suggested on how to make microfinance banking system more effective that will help us to bridge the gap between the deprived section of the society and mainstream.
Arshad Ajmal, Vice President, Sahulat Microfinance Society, greeted the audience and expressed thanks for their kind presence at the meet.
Patna: Mahboob Alam is a teacher at state government aided Madrasa Islamia Noorul Huda in Purnea. He has not got salary for last five months. It’s hard for him to meet both ends, and thus he was forced to come to streets. Alam is among thousands of madrasa and Sanskrit school teachers who hit Patna streets today demanding salary equal to other government schools.
Under the banner of Madrasa Sanskrit Shikshak Saynukt Morcha (United Front of Madrasa and Sanskrit Teachers), several thousand teachers of these schools were marching towards the Bihar Assembly. In a rare scene of unity, Madrasa teachers and Sanskrit teachers were holding the protest braving the scorching sun.
Zahidur Rahman, president of the Morcha, said his demand is revision of salary of madarasa and Sanskrit teachers to make it equal to other government schools and colleges.
“Revise our salary and make it equal to regular schools and colleges of the government. The Nitish Kumar government has promised equal salary to us but not keeping the promise. We have made this demand for last 20 years,” Rahman told TCN while leading the massive rally.
“He did good for all but left us alone lurching,” he says when asked if Nitish government has ditched the teaching fraternity in the state.
Other demand of these teachers is retirement benefits like pension. “After retirement, we don’t get any pension, we also demand it”.
About next step if their demand is not met, he said “they will come to us in the election and we will reply.”
Echoing Rahman, Shiv Kant, General Secretary of the Morcha demanded pay package like regular government schools to teachers of Sanskrit and madarsas. “We have staged this massive protest to attract attention of CM Nitish and his deputy Sushil Kumar Modi. We have 4000 Sanskrit teachers and 9000 madrasa teachers with us, adds Kant, a Sanskrit teacher.
How do you assess the four and half year rule of Nitish Kumar? “They are no different from the Lalu regime. They ditched us like Lalu did. They have neglected us. We have submitted our demand to CM personally in his Janta Darbar. Yet no success,” he said.
(Photos and videos shot by Mudassir Rizwan of
Whether it is Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha, Andhra Pradesh rules the roost. The Muslim Members of Parliament from the South India state lead others from the community when it comes to performance on the floor of the House. While Asaduddin Owaisi has led Lok Sabha, Mohammad Ali Khan from the state is top scorer in the Rajya Sabha during the Budget Session 2010 that ran from 22 February to 07 May.
In the 32-day-long session, 61-year-old Mohammad Ali Khan asked 90 questions, just 10 short of 100 – the mark Owaisi, Lok Sabha MP from Hyderabad, crossed in the same session on the floor of the Lower House.
Khan is closely followed by rather younger Kamal Akhtar of Samajwadi Party. The 38-year-old Akhtar from Uttar Pradesh put 89 questions before the House. The third position again goes to Andhra Pradesh – Syed Azeez Pasha, 64, of Communist Party of India had 84 questions in his kitty.
There are 28 Muslim Members in the Rajya Sabha – the Upper House or House of Elders of Indian Parliament. Let’s tally the performance of only 26 MPs – as K Rahman Khan and Ghulam Nabi Azad, both from Congress, are Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha and Union Minister respectively.
Of 26, eight Muslim MPs had nothing to ask in Rajya Sabha during the budget session. Two are from Congress and one each from Muslim League, Janta Dal (United), BSP, RJD, RLD and National Conference. Regarded as good orator in the community, Maulana Mahmood Madani, leader of Jamiat Ulema-I-Hind and MP of RLD (Rashtriya Lok Dal) is also among the non-performers.
It is interesting to note that most of the zero or low performers are those who remained present on all 32 days of the session while top three performers could not register 100% attendance – Mohd Ali Khan (31 days), Kamal Akhtar (27 days), Syed Azeez Pasha (26 days).
There were seven MPs who were present in the House on all 32 days but most of them performed poorly -- Rashid Alvi of Congress asked just 2 questions, A A Jinnah of DMK 1 question, Mohammed Amin of CPI-M and Ahmad Saeed Malihabadi (Independent) 6 questions each and Jabir Hussain of RJD zero question. Moinul Hassan of CPI-M, however, was an exception with 51 questions in 32 days.
Congratulations, Mr Asaduddin Owaisi on making a century of questions on the floor of the Lok Sabha during February-May Budget Session 2010. Perhaps this is the first time that a Muslim parliamentarian has asked more than 100 questions in a single session. Well done, Hyderabad MP of Majlise Ittehadul Muslimeen. Third time in a row Owaisi leads Muslim MPs in the report card of floor performance exclusively presented by TCN.
Though cumulatively Muslim Lok Sabha Members have asked far more questions in this session than theirs in some last sessions put together, majority, still have remained silent. Of 30 Muslim Lok Sabha Members, 16 remained silent in the 32-day session spreading over three months with long intervals. The 16 include four Ministers.
The non-speakers include 7 members of Congress, 3 from Trinamool Congress, 2 each from Bahujan Samaj Party and National Conference and 1 each from Muslim League and Janata Dal United.
Among the top performers are Asaduddin Owaisi (102), JM Aaroon Rasheed (64), Shahnawaz Hussain (62), ET Muhammed Basheer (40) and MI Shanavas (40).
What is good is that consistent performers have far improved their own performance, resulting in 430 questions asked by Muslim MPs in the session that started on February 22, 2010 and ended on May 7, 2010. In the Nov-Dec 2009 session the total number of questions asked by them was 167 and only 84 in the July-Aug 2009 session.
Type of Questions
Questions are of three types:-
Starred, Unstarred and Short Notice Questions
A Starred Question is one to which a member desires an oral answer in the House and which is distinguished by an asterisk mark. When a question is answered orally, supplementary questions can be asked thereon. Only 20 questions can be listed for oral answer on a day.
An Unstarred Question: is one which is not called for oral answer in the House and on which no supplementary questions can consequently be asked. To such a question, a written answer is deemed to have been laid on the Table after the Question Hour by the Minister to whom it is addressed. It is printed in the official report of the sitting of the House for which it is put down. Only 230 questions can be listed for written answer on a day.
A Short Notice Question is one which relates to a matter of urgent public importance and can be asked with shorter notice than the period of notice prescribed for an ordinary question. Like a starred question, it is answered orally followed by supplementary questions.
Name: Mr. Abdul Mannan Hossain Age: 57 Constituency: Murshidabad (West Bengal ) Party name: Indian National Congress(INC)
No of days present : 15/32
No. of questions: 0
[The report has been compiled by Mudassir Rizwan, Patna Correspondent]
Meraj Ahmed, 24, living in Betiah, a backward district in Bihar, has won several awards for his innovations – the recent one from President of India. Nowadays he is working on a rail engine like that of bullet train. But his bullet train engine will run on the normal railway track. Talking to Mudassir Rizwan of Meraj gives detail about his innovations, his life and problems, and his future plans.
Mr Meraj, please tell us about you and your background.
I am Meraj Ahmad. I am from a lower class family in Betiah district in West Champaran. We are 3 brothers and a youngest sister. My father is in Revenue department where he works as a clerk. Economic problems have always been with my family. I have done I.Sc. (Mathematics) by doing tuition. I started doing innovation from class VII. I have done so many innovations, some very new. I want to do something big in future. I want to be a big scientist and serve the society and the country.
What is your first innovation?
Firstly I have created a “Picture tube charger”. When TV becomes old then its picture is not shown clearly. With my charger the picture tube can be charged again. After that we will get new quality picture tube that can run up to 4 years. It costs only Rs 150. You can charge your home battery of 12 volts also with this charger.
I heard that you got award for this innovation.
Yes, President of India Pratibha Devisingh Patil gave me a prestigious national award for the grassroot innovation.
Tell me about your other innovations that you have done.
I have done 20 inventions. They include “Rat trapping machine” and “Magnetic weighing balance”. This magnetic weighing balance ensures exact weight and there is no need of mass or weight and it’s not costly either. Secondly, I made a new type of “Cycle”. Without pedalling it will run up to 10 minutes. It has some other features also. If there is crowd on your way, you can pull brake and after crossing the crowd when you leave clutch the cycle will start running automatically.
Have you got any support from govt.?
No, I did not get any support from the government. Some media persons came here and told me that they will try to provide me some help, they also told me to do marketing of what I innovate, but I don’t want how to do marketing and I don’t want to stop at the President award. I want to become a scientist. If anybody wants to help me then I want to continue my education. I want to do B.Tech. from a good institution.
On which projects are you working nowadays?
Nowadays I am working on 2-3 things. One is train. I am working on a fast train engine that will take only half the time of a fast train that takes 16-17 hours to cover 2000 kmss. Among fast trains there is train called bullet train. For bullet train, there is a special track, special engine and special configuration. But I am making a structure of an engine that will run on the same track but will cover 16-17 hours journey in only 8-9 hours.
Are you getting any support for your train project?
Till now I am not getting any support but one of my relatives who is a railway staff is giving me some monetary support. He encourages me to work on the project.
In future what do you want to do?
I want to do B.Tech. from a good university and also want to work on new innovations. If I am given chance I want to put before people what is in my mind.
Meraj's first innovation
Your message to Muslim youngsters and youth?
At this program of Rahmani 30, their successful candidates of IIT-JEE said that they had support of their teachers and parents but I want to say that I have got President Award without any support. I did not take any tuition as I could not afford. What I am today is the result of my own hard work. I want to tell the youngsters that if they are getting any economic or physical or any problem they should fact it. They will get success one day and everyone will know them.
Patna: He comes from a humble family and studies about 16-18 hours a day. The result must not be unexpected. Hammad Ali of Rajender High School in Siwan has got sixth position in Bihar board examination 2010 for class X. With 90.4% marks, he has created history for the Muslim community in the state.
Ali, in fact, is among 11 students in entire state who have got 90% or above marks this year, first time in the history of Bihar School Examination Board. And he is only Muslim among them. The highest marks getter among the Muslim students last year was Muhammad Shah Jahan. He had got rank 9 with 86.6% marks. The results for Bihar board examination 2010 were declared on May 22.
“I feel good,” says Ali expressing his feeling on this achievement. Eldest son of a high school teacher and part time homeopathy doctor, Ali (14.5 years old) gives credit for his success to his father and homemaker mother.
“I did hard work. I study about 16-18 hours a day,” says Hammad Ali.
About his ambition, he tells TCN: “I want to crack IIT-JEE and become an engineer.”
Out of total marks of 500, Ali has got 452: Urdu (90) Hindi (87) Maths (86), Natural Science (93), Social Science (96) and English (60).
Ali’s father Khursheed Anwar spends most of what he earns on the education of his four children. He has high dreams about them. Ali’s elder sister is doing IA from Islamia College, Siwan. His two younger brothers are also studying in schools.
Topper in Bihar board exam this year is Anupam Neha (92.8%) of SS Girls High School, Biharsharif. In top five there are four girls and one boy.
Patna: No sooner summer season started this year than the whole nation came under the unrelenting heat wave which has taken many lives so far in different parts of the country. In the month of April, the temperature is presenting the scene of hot month of June. Condition is similar in Bihar’s capital city of Patna where the running April has been recorded as the hottest April in one decade. With each day, heat is going up here.
The temperature on 24th April was recorded 42.3 degree Celsius and 42.5 degree on 25th April while today it has been recorded 43 degree. This has disturbed the daily life of the people in the city.
People feel very difficult to go out of homes after 9am. Markets are seen deserted and most shops are closed for 4-5 hours in the noon time. Girls are seen going to schools and colleges with covering whole body including faces and using sunglasses. Parents are worried until their children return home from schools and they try to keep them inside the houses after the school time. Roadside vendors also do not dare to be on the road under the scorching sun and roads also wear deserted look at midday.
Shortage of water supply and regular shedding of electricity for several hours every day add salt to the wounds of people. People fear that when the situation is so bad in this month what will happen in May and June.
[Photos by Mudassir Rizwan of in Patna]
By Manzar Bilal and Mudassir Rizwan,,
Patna: Four days before Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh is holding an all-party meeting to ensure support for passage of the Women Reservation Bill in the coming session of the Parliament, RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav and LJP chief Ram Vilas Paswan yesterday reiterated their demand that without provision for sub-quota for Muslim and backward class women, the Bill will not be acceptable to them. They were addressing Jamiat Ulema conference on Muslim reservation in Patna yesterday.
Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind (JUH) organized the massive conference here demanding the government to solve the problems confronting the Muslim community. Reservation for Muslims in education and job, quota within Women Reservation Bill for Muslim and marginalized women and implementation of Urdu language at ground level were top issues raised at the conference held at historic Gandhi Maidan last night.
A number of Muslim, social and political leaders from different parts of the country came to address the conference while thousands of people from across the state were present to listen to them. Despite a call for Bihar bandh by BJP’s youth wing ABVP a massive crowd traveled from distant areas of the state to attend the program which formally began after Maghrib and went on till late night.
Rather than speaking on the topics of the program, political leaders from different parties spent much time on blaming each other. Ironically, these leaders were given unlimited time to speak while prominent personalities who were to speak on Muslim issues either given little time or not at all. Even president of JUH Maulana Qari Usman was given few minutes at the end of the program when the auditorium looked almost empty.
Speaking on the occasion JUH leader and MP Maulana Mahmood Madni said: “To seek reservation for Muslim means to seek reservation for the country because Muslims are second largest community of the country. So, country cannot progress without progress of Muslims. In a scenario, when all other backward people are given reservation then why Muslims cannot be given that? Muslims are backward today because of government’s wrong policies. Therefore it is government’s responsibility to redress the condition of Muslims.”
Rejecting the allegation that he voted for Women Reservation Bill in Rajya Sabha he said:” It is incorrect that I have voted for WRB in the Parliament. Our stand have always been that without due share for weaker section WRB will never be acceptable for us.”
Urging Muslim youths to make all efforts for the success in all fields he said: “Rights are not given but you have to get them. I mean you should create quality within yourselves and get skills of all asperse in such quality that others will be forced to give your rights and take your help unwillingly.”
On ABVP’s opposition to AMU campus in Kishnanganj he said: “AMU campus will be in the favor of all people of the region irrespective of their religions, castes and creeds then what does it mean for this opposition except foolishness? Suppose this centre is going to benefit only to Muslims then also it is in the favor of country. APJ Abul Kalam’f qualification benefited the country or not? I think these people are not well-wishers so we should aware of them and come forward to build a peaceful and beautiful India.
Addressing the gathering LJP chief Ram Vilas Paswan said: “If Women Reservation Bill will be implemented in present form, it will affect the Muslims more and their number will come down from 28 to 8. Muslim should be given 10% reservation as Mishra panel recommended. They are trying to create fight between Muslims and other backward class people who are talking about giving 8% reservation to Muslims from 27% which is recommended by Mandal Commission for other backward.”
RJD chief Lalu Perasad expressed his determination to oppose Women Reservation Bill without quota for Muslim and backward women. “Our fight for WRB will continue unless quota within quota is provided. We are ready to be thrown out of parliament but not ready to favor the bill in its present form” he expressed.
Eminent social activist Sawami Agnivesh in his speech criticized those who link religions with terrorism. He also urged Muslims to follow the teachings of prophet Mohammad (PBUH). He said people should come to fight for social evils especially alcohol and dowry.
“I appreciate Nitish Kumar for his progressive works in the state but I condemn his decision to have two shops for wine in every panchayet. He has to ban on such shops otherwise people will never forgive him” he added.
On Muslim Reservation he said: “It is time for Central government to implement Ranganath Mishra Commission recommendation and stop cheating Muslims. Nitish government should also take action in this regard on the pattern of southern states.”
He also condemned ABVP for opposing AMU off-campus in Kishanganj and said they are enemy of education.
“AMU campus will not have only Muslim students then why it is being opposed by a party who is partner in government? It is nothing but dirty politics and putting barrier in the way of progressive step” he said.
Maulana Idris, president Bihar JUH demanded government to give quota for Muslim to reduce their educational and social backwardness. He demanded the state government to give Urdu its due position. “State Government should implement Urdu in all offices and department. Urdu teachers and employees should not be used for other works. Madarsa teachers should be given their due rights. Their salaries must be given at time and equal to school teachers. The construction of boundary walls for graveyards should be completed as soon as possible” he added.
National president of JUH Maulana Qari Usman, JUH general secratry Maulana Hakimuddin, Akhterul Iman, RJD MLA, Sabir Ali, Rajya Sabha MP, and many others also spoke on the occasion.
By Manzar Bilal and Mudassir Rizwan,,
Patna: With enthusiasm and determination Muslim women in Patna today demanded their exclusive shares in Women's Reservation Bill. A number of Muslim women from across the city, mostly burqa wearing, sat on dharna under the banner of Bihar Muslim Khawateen Morcha at Kargil Chowk protesting against the bill in its present form and demanding quota for Muslim and backward women.
In fact, Kargil Chowk is one of the places in the city where agitation is part of daily routine but today’s was especial one as burqa clad Muslim women who are believed to be engaged only with house works were seen full of excitement who came out of their houses and announced that they are ready to fight for their rights on their owns.
They blamed Congress to have secret understanding with BJP to work on anti-Muslim agenda. They demanded the government to reconsider the decision about the bill otherwise they would agitate before state Assembly and Parliament.
“Muslim women have been neglected in the country. Since independence only 16 Muslim women were able to enter the Parliament. Currently, out of 59 women MPs there are only two Muslim women. This disappointing result is because of discrimination has been done with Muslim women. Therefore we demand fair share in the Women's Reservation Bill to make sure our due representation” said Shahzadi Perveen of Digha, who was leading the dharna.
“We are ready to adopt the formula “do or die” for our rights. We salute those who are raising voices for our rights in Parliament and will do jail bharo tahreek if our demand is not fulfilled” she added.
In her welcome speech Ms. Mumtaz Jahan, a ward counciller, said: “Gandhi ji has launched agitation against injustice of British government in Champaran district of Bihar which brought freedom to us now an agitation against dictatorship of elite people has started in the same state which will reach all over the country and finally we will defeat the oppressive forces.”
Speaking on the occasion, Ms. Nazneen Parveen from Phulwari Shareef said: “We are not given our rights being at homes so we came out on the road and we will continue fighting until we are given 10% exclusive quota within 33%. Government should not consider us weak we are daughters of Razia Sultana, Noor Mahal and Chand Bibi Begum and have capacity to fight for justice and cane bring down the government. So, our demand should not be overlooked anymore.”
While Ms. Roohi Parveen said that government should give chances to Muslim women to show their abilities: “We have always been pushed behind. Otherwise, we are not less than others in abilities and capacities. We demand quota in Women's Reservation Bill so that we can take part in the building of society and country.”
“We have been deprived of our rights but now we are not ready to see our new generation dwindling for their rights in their lives. We reject the Women's Reservation Bill in its present form because it will snatch our representation in legislative houses. We will gharao Parliament and will also go to Supreme Court” declared Naghma Khatoo, a ward member.
Besides, many of them also spoke on the occasion. When talked to some of them at sideline of the program they all repeated their demand that they want 10% reservation within 33% and for that they are ready to go any extant and to pay any price but they no longer ready to be ignored.
The dharna went at its prime stage when RJD chief Mr. Lalu Prasad along with his wife Mrs. Rabri Devi,ex-Bihar CM and leader of opposition in Bihar Assembly,reached there for few minutes. He was welcomed by program organizers and thanked for his efforts in Parliament for Muslim women.
Mr. Lalu Prasad repeated his stand of quota within quota for marginalized class women and said that he is ready to be thrown out of Parliament but will never ever favor the bill in its present form.
He appreciated the Muslim women present there: “Muslim women from Bihar have led over others to stage such massive dharna for their rights now we will raise the issue in the Parliament in more organize way. For that you have to continue your work at outside the Parliament”
The dharna was also joined by many other RJD leaders including Shakeel Ahmad Khan, spokesperson of RJD, Ghulam Ghose, leader of opposition in Bihar legislative Council, Nihaluddin, RJD MLA, Ram Chander, RJD MLA. They encouraged Muslims women to march ahead for their rights.
Patna: Muslim votes have been crucial in the formation of governments in Bihar. Therefore, almost all leading parties in the state have been fighting to win their vote. The state is going to vote later this year for assembly, so, once again this battle has geared up with Lok Janshakti Party holding a massive ‘Muslim Rally’ at historic Gandhi Maidan in Patna today.
“Muslims have key for formation of next government in Bihar. They have to decide whom they want to hand over the key for governance. I am sure Rashtriya Janata Dal- Lok Janshakti Party alliance will form the next government in the state if Muslims vote for it unitedly” said LJP chief Ram Vilas Paswan while addressing the rally.
Thousands of Muslims from different parts of the state and all top leaders of the party including 12 MLAs and 3 MLCs attended the rally which filled the western part of the Gandhi Maidan. It was the first of its kind rally for LJP in the capital city of the state wherein such huge Muslim gathering was seen on its call. For that, convener of the rally and vice president of LJP Mr. Ahmad Ashfaq Kareem was lauded by the party chief.
“There are two ways to fight for one’s right in the country; to raise voice in the Parliament or Assemblies, and to come out on the road. Muslims need to use both the ways to get justice” he urged adding “You have to make efforts for your right because no one is going to take your matter if you are not active for that.”
He said that it is a fact that Muslims have fought for the freedom of the country and contributed in the building of the nation like other communities but they are branded as foreigners by communalists.
“Those who are naming Muslims as sons of Babur are either unaware of the history or violating the history because Muslims had been ruling India for much earlier. It is true that in the beginning some Muslims came to India from outside who lived here and died here but most of the Muslims were those original residents of India especially lower class people who embraced Islam because of its teaching of equality for all. Thus the number of Muslims grew faster here” he explained.
“When Babri Masjid was demolished we asked why it happened, RSS and BJP leaders replied, because it was built by Babur who was foreigner. We said then demolish Lal Qila (Red Fort) and Taj Mahal because that were built by sons of Babur, bring down Parliament and Rashtrapati Bhawan because they were built by British government who was outsider and anti-nation” he told.
He also criticized central government for ban on SIMI. “SIMI is banned without sufficient evidence, then why RSS, Bajrang Dal and Shiv Sena are not put in the same dock despite of the fact that they are spreading violence and hate all time” he asked.
Mr. Ahmad Ashfaq Kareem
Speaking on the occasion Mr. Ahmad Ashfaq Kareem, LJP national vice president, said: “The implementation of Ranganath Mishra Commission report is necessary to bring Muslims on development line. Therefore, we demand central government to take accurate step in this regard without ifs and buts because Muslims have stood up and they no longer will be cheated.”
If LJP-RJD alliance comes to power in Bihar, we will give 10% reservation to Muslims without any condition” he added.
Mr. Ahmad Ashfaq Kareem and Ram Vilas Paswan
He blamed state government for not implementing properly schemes started for welfare of Muslims especially PM’s 15 points Program which worsened the condition of Muslims.
Addressing the rally Mr. Shoaib Iqbal, LJP MLA from Delhi, said: “History has been witnessing that Muslims have been oppressed badly and after they were killed, their properties looted and destroyed, commissions have been set up but when commissions submitted their reports there was no action against guilty. Liberhan Commission report is an example for that.”
He also said that Muslims have given example of real secularism by accepting Hindus as their leaders because their intentions were to build a strong and secular country, yet they have been suspected for all wrong incidents.
“LJP was the first party to put the implementation of Mishra Commission report in its manifesto for 2009 LS election which was followed by almost 22 parties. But unfortunately Congress was not among them” recalled Abdul Khaliq, LJP national general secretary.
“What is the problem with central government when all secular parties are agreed upon for implementation of the Mishra report” he asked
LJP senior leader Salahuddin Khan said that the development of the country depends on communal harmony and unity. Country will never progress till each one raise voice for others’ right. This was the secret behind winning freedom struggle.
Though program was named as Muslim Rally but most of the leaders skipped community issue and they spent their times in praising the Party chief or counting the works done by the party for Muslims. Only few of them spoke for some time on the Muslim issue. Thus the rally lost its name ‘Muslim Rally’ and became LJP Rally.
Others who addressed the daylong rally include Dr. Izhar Ahmad, LJP MLA, Israeel Rayen, LJP MLC, Afzal Abbas, national president of LJP Minority Cell, Ram Chander Paswan, former MP and president of Dalit Sena, Mr. Sabir Ali, Rajya Sabha MP, Dr. Shahnawaz Kaifi, state president of LJP Minority Cell.